Sunday, November 20, 2011

#POTUSinOZ - Obama visit to Oz - #auspol

Don't you think that Mr Obama's visit to these fair shores mid last week was a resounding success?

I had a very, very minor footsoldier role when Bush The Younger paid his bossom buddy John "Deputy Dawg" Howard a visit in 2003. People came out of the woodwork to jeer, heckle and generally show their displeasure. He wasn't liked! At least that's the feeling I got at the time! If only someone had pelted a shoe or two! None of that this time though. Smiles, happiness, birds singing, kisses all round.

It doesn't hurt that Mr Obama presents well. Fit, tall, slim, not unattractive, youngish, obvsiously smart and with a certain cool flair. I'd be happy if he decided to emigrate, become an Australian citizen and take on the post of the first President of the Republic of Australia.

Kind of gets me thinking though. Why are Americans so unimpressed with him? I just don't get it. The policies he's trying to introduce in the States are conservative by our standards yet a lot of his countrymen/women think he's the thin edge of the commie wedge.

Isn't the world an odd place!

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