Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Lone Wolf of Ulladulla.

Yesterday I got onto a bit of a roll on Twitter. I like to think of myself as The Lone Wolf even if it is bullshit! Was doing some shopping at Coles Ulladulla ....

16:59 - The lone wolf, as always, likes to run free. However in Coles he's feeling nervous and scents disaster ahead. He lopes from aisle to aisle.

17:02 - The lone wolf rears in fear! A trolley load of vegemite topples and crashes to the floor. The hapless assistant scurries to clean the mess.

17:14 - The lone wolf, his business done, waits patiently with haggard she-wolfs and toothless old wolves. He laments what drove him to this.

17:25 - The lone wolf, his catch firmly clamped in his powerful jaws, races for the relative freedom of Boree Street and back to his distant lair.

17:40 - The lone wolf, safely in his lair, proudly shows his catch to his she-wolf then promptly mounts her in an act of dominance as old as time.


  1. From the Ulladulla council handbook...

    "Some wolves will simply remain lone wolves; as such, these lone wolves may be stronger, more aggressive and far more dangerous than the average wolf that is a member of a pack."

    "Occasionally, a lone wolf will encounter another lone wolf of the opposite sex, and the two may start a new pack"

    General Council warning: Beware of Lone Wolves - Full moon Fri Feb 18 - 18:36
