Monday, September 26, 2011

At Home With Julia - Let's Lighten Up #auspol

Watched the last of ABC TV's At Home With Julia on our funky TiVo. You know, the episode that caused a fuss in conservative circles such as the RSL, ex-service groups et al. There was a scene that apparently desecrated our national flag.

I don't understand why this show has been panned and ridiculed, I found myself convulsing on the couch whilst my beloved partner looked on worriedly.

The confusion over Tim's proposal of marriage to Julia and her announcement of his appointment to the public service as Captain Tim - Mr Headlice was priceless.

Different strokes for different folks I guess, although I feel we really should stop being so damned serious. Let's lighten up!

A Grateful Nation Salutes Problem Gamblers #auspol

I've been following the current hoopla surrounding Andrew Wilkie's proposed law regarding mandatory pre-commitment technology on poker machines.

As time passes I'm becoming more sickened by the arguments being pushed by the clubs, pubs and casinos.

If you listen to these worthy institutions, you'd be under the impression that the world as we know it will come crashing down. Grants to community organisations will cease, facilities in clubs will suffer, some clubs may well close.

Taking this argument to its logical conclusion, it's obvious that problem gamblers are all that lays between club viability and disaster.

Thank you problem gamblers! What a selfless bunch you are. Thanks to your wages, home, savings and/or family the rest of us can enjoy a nice cheap Surf'n'Turf in the club bistro and knock back icy cold cheap beer. We can kick back and watch a Neil Diamond look-alike perform in the club auditorium and our kids can play footy in the strip so kindly provided as a gesture toward community spirit.

I don't drink alcohol but I shall raise a nice dewy schooner of coke in your general direction!

What kind of madness has overcome us, petals? To actively promote the evils of gambling as some kind of indispensible benefit to the community is plain wrong on so many fronts. If our coummunity is so dependant on the money sourced from those poor souls with this dreadful affliction then it is a sick society.

I can't even guess the outcome of this particular issue, as we all know it could bring about the fall of the Gillard government. On second thoughts, that's probably not such a bad idea!

As always, my thoughts.