Child support debts threaten parents' holidays - ABC News websiteSaw this article and it made my blood boil, not to mention bring back many unhappy memories
Mind you, the following is all my own humble opinion based on my experiences. I acknowledge there are scumbags out there who either evade the system with impunity, or equally milk the damn thing for all it's worth.
So, here goes ...
The Child Support Agency ranks second to the Australian Taxation Office as a bunch of c***s. The lump of granite that passes as their coporate heart is unflinching. Not only do they have no heart, they lack common sense, intelligence and basic human characteristics. I'd be surprised if they breath, eat, piss or shit. Perhaps they don't.
So when I come to the part in the article where Comrade Plibersek makes her stupid statement "
if parents have an outstanding debt they can ring the Child Support Agency and talk through their options" I could only laugh. What a load of horse shit! You will get no where. There are no options other than bend over, part your cheeks and receive the pineapple rough end first. Being a scabby, tight fisted federal department they can't afford lube as they would have spent most of their corporate budget on staff development courses and other essential public service activities unrelated to actually serving the public.
You may think I am a bitter and twisted individual. Correct! I am! I suffered with these pricks.
I paid my dues every week, I never missed a payment, I wanted to assist my children to the best of my
ability (r)
ability. At the same time I was going through a rough financial patch. These bastards screwed me over big time. They would not listen, they were the most stupid people I had the misfortune to interact with up to that time in my life (subsequently Telstra call centres have taken the crown!) I lived like a frigging dog. Eventually I went bankrupt.
In all fairness CSA weren't the only financial burden that caused my bankruptcy and I accept responsibility for the poor decisions that assisted me in getting to that stage, but CSA did not make things any easier.
The day your children reach their majority and start earning for themselves is the day you can turn around, with your anus still stinging from the removal of large, rough skinned tropical fruit and give them, the CSA, the finger with a very hearty and loud salutation to go and take a right royal flying fuck and get the hell out of your life.
I have not had contact with CSA since 2006 and never will again. For those that are currently in the system, you have my sympathy.
On a closing note, for those scumbags not paying their maintenance, who make life difficult for the honest dads - you are low-lives, not even worthy of being pond scum. Pond scum floats on the surface, you are down on the bottom, among the duck shit and old tyres and tin cans.
I feel better now.
PS: The term used throughout that article - "parent" - is trendo public service speak for "father", has anyone ever heard of a woman being done over by CSA?