Sunday, November 20, 2011

@ACTPolicing - A Small Whinge. #Canberra

Before I kick off, let me state that I have the utmost respect for the AFP's ACT Policing. A finer body of law enforcing men and women couldn't be found anywhere.

Every now and then though I pause and wonder at the oddities that you come across dealing with officialdom. All part of the rich tapestry of life as my mum would say.

I had cause to phone ACT Police Operations yesterday. I'd just handled an unpleasant situation out in bohemian, cosmopolitan Fyshwick with a young bloke who had threatened me and my property.

My decision to report the incident to police was partly brought about because the idiot felt compelled to tell me "my dad's a copper and he'll come around and bash you!" I retorted "Okay, let's ring him up here and now and bring it on!" Dipstick responds "He's on duty".

Now not for one minute do I think Federal Police officers go around bashing people on the say-so of their kids or anyone else for that matter. ACTPol is justifiably proud of their integrity! What had me concerned was this clown (literally he looked like Sideshow Bob) using the police connection and also the chance he (the kid) would return later and do damage to vehicles as he had indicated he would. Maybe it would be useful intel for ACTPol. All the little pieces go to make up the jigsaw afterall.

So I ring 131 444 and explain my story to the nice woman who answered. It's a pretty low-key event and not really of any significance other than I wanted to get the details on the record. I didn't expect action or attendance.

What miffed me though was the officer's claim that coppers kids wouldn't do this kind of thing! I thought WTF! How can you be so sure? Most likely his dad wasn't a cop. Maybe he was. We don't know. How can you be so dismissive of the idea? Not all coppers kids are angels, they're like any other kids - good, bad or in between. I didn't debate the matter. My bit was done, use the info or don't use it, I'll never know the difference.

The best outcome of this is I can eliminate one small group of individuals in the community to worry about. Coppers kids. And that's the way it should be!

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