Saturday, March 19, 2011

Be At Peace With The World My Son!

I decided to drive Kermit up to Canberra this week. For those who aren't aware, Kermit is our new, zippy little Mazda 2 Genki that we purchased a couple of months ago.

Anyway, this morning I was heading out to Calwell to get some change from Bendigo Bank. There I was, sitting at the lights on Canberra Avenue & Hindmarsh Drive intersection, minding my own business, casually scratching my balls and feeling quite at peace with the world. In the next lane was a very nice looking new Holden SS Commodore sedan, young bloke at the wheel.

I kind of looked admiringly at his car, he looked at me somewhat disdainfully. The lights changed, he disappears in roar of twin exhaust and a fine spray of dust and minute particles of gravel.

As I motored off I reflected on this bizarre behaviour. What possessed him to do this? The fact he could beat the arse off me in a drag was really a no brainer. He was in a 6 litre Aussie muscle car, I was driving a bright green 1.5 litre Japanese frog. He was young and stupid, I was old and hopefully just a bit wiser. At no stage did I poke fun or laugh at about his cock size! For all I know he was hung like a horse. I wasn't rude or aggressive.

All I can say is ... take it easy my son. There's enough bad ju-ju in the world without having to get yourself so stressed that you have to drag off a grandfather driving a little green rice burner!

Actually, I should thank him for reminding me that my $672 speeding fine is due this week!

PS: Obscure Fact - Genki is a Japanese word that that reflects health, vitality, energy. A bouncy cheerful female character is often refered to as genki.


  1. LMAO love it, you have become so wise and also so calm, if I didn't know any better I would say you walked around hugging trees.
    Hmmm you should call me Genki from now on LOL
    Love you my gorgeous, young, healthy, well hung hero
